NC9 VINA CO,. LTD joining the jobs day at college financial – Economic Vinh Long

  • Koo Jin Young
  • 20/11/2019
  • 1029

Place: At College of Economics – Finance Vinh Long, No. 1B Nguyen Trung Truc, Ward 8, Vinh Long City

Time: 8:00 am date 18/11/2019


  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Lieu – Rector
  • Along with 12 businesses and more than 300 students

The process takes place the jobs day

8:00 – 11:30: Ms.Duyen is charge of student interview

8:00 – 08:05: Mr. Nguyen Trung Tien declares the reason and introduces the delegates
8:05 – 08:20: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thy Lieu – Rector spoke at the opening of the 2019 job fair and gave flowers to thank businesses participating in the jobs day.

NC9 Vietnam Co., Ltd is pleased to present the introduction of the company and the AMnote accounting software and AM-Einvoice e-billing software. After that, NC9 exchanged and answered questions about software products for Businesses and Students.

On the same day, NC9 Vietnam Co., Ltd. combined with Vinh Long Department of Taxation to discuss about the link to attend the conference and some other issues.

Some pictures of the ceremony:







